
Dentist Fresno, CA

Nutrition and Your Oral Health: Tips from Your Dentist Fresno, CA
We all understand how important it is to maintain a healthy diet for our overall health. But did you know that your diet can directly affect yourGeneral Dentistry oral health, too? As a dentist in Fresno, CA, Dr. Curt Posey works with you to provide superior oral health care and even some words of advice for proper nutrition to keep your smile glowing.
While brushing your teeth, flossing and visiting Dr. Posey, your Fresno, CA dentist, for regular check ups are obvious steps for maintaining good oral health, many of us ignore other important habits that influence our dental health, like our diet. The foods that we eat and the frequency in which we eat them are directly linked to the health of our teeth and gums, especially when it comes to the development of plaque and tooth decay. Through a well balanced diet and visits with Dr. Curt Posey, your dentist in Fresno, you can ensure the longevity of your teeth and your overall well-being for a lifetime.
As a Fresno dentist, Dr. Curt Posey offers the following tips for watching what you eat:
Watch Out for Foods that Lead to Tooth Decay. When plaque accumulates on the teeth, the bacteria thrive off of the sugars and starches that are found in many foods you consume.  With time, the plaque produces acid, which begins to attack your tooth enamel, resulting in decay.
Any foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar can cause damage to teeth as the presence of sugar in the mouth accelerates decay.  With that being said, limit your intake of sugary items, like candies, cakes, sodas and cookies.  And stay away from sticky foods such as caramel that cling to the surface of your teeth. 
As a general rule, it is not good for your body, then it is probably not very healthy for your teeth either.  Dr. Posey, Fresno cosmetic dentist, can help you determine which foods you should avoid in order to maintain a healthy, radiant smile.
Choose Healthy Foods for Healthy Smiles. Just as certain foods can have harmful impacts on our teeth, other foods can actually fight bacteria, remove plaque, strengthen enamel and freshen breath. Fruits and vegetables are good for your body, and they are the best food options for your teeth and gums, as well.  Some healthy food choices include:

Fresno, CA Dentist
Curt P. Posey, DDS, INC.
7078 N. Maple Ave. Ste #105
Fresno, CA 93720
(559) 227-6755
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